星期二, 4月 01, 2008




買了球鞋再買玩具 甚至想 花光一切買新居
愛上談情 再愛上入睡
直到想 躺進陌生者的家裡

你我永遠不肯定愛不愛誰 約不約定誰
黃金廣場內分手 在時代門外再聚
你和誰結伴前來 是否比我精采

自從前愛到現在 是哪個可一可再
你回來你不回來 儘管天蹋下來
但仍然值得與你 用餘下時間談論愛

甚至想 天光之際看星光
直到想 擁吻漫畫中的主角

6 則留言:

cam~i 說...

Hi, 偶然看到你的blog, 見你寫下這首歌,what's a coincidence! This is the lovely song I like most from Eason. 「D舊歌好聽D」完全同意!人越大心態也隨著轉變,新人新歌不斷湧現,除非是一聽上口的歌曲,否則不會有閒情聽多幾遍,不如聽回自己以前已喜歡的歌曲。是否不得不慨嘆自己真的「長大」了!哈哈!

Kenny Ho 說...

thanks for your notes cam~i.

Yes I definitely love old songs!
Especially this song, still feel touching every time I listen to.
Just realize that Eason is becoming one of old song singer in my perception :P

cam~i 說...

u r welcome.

I have quite a no. of friends love Eason Chan. I think he is a special singer to whom even 80s or 90s generation still love & listen.So being late 70s generation, I still feel "released" to have some common topics with them & hope to distant from what so called "old biscuit" as you said. ^_^

But just curious that why so many boys love Eason?

Kenny Ho 說...

haa, i'm one of the late 70s...and really "old biscuit" (?) :P

Eason's songs are full of energy and passion, that's what I feel and enjoy to listen to.

welcome to my blog and leave more notes when you've time.
otherwise I feel talking to myself only :)

cam~i 說...

sure, I'm glad to note, as long as u dont mind too many mutter/strange pt. of views.

Do u sometimes come in mind that "why don't we born few years later, then we're become 80s generation." ??

Kenny Ho 說...

i'm glad to hear from you too :)

just share your ideas, no worries about "mutter" or "strange point of view".

haha, nope, happy with late 70s generation. At least I think i'm "old" enough, lie on the edge of 70s.