星期日, 1月 01, 2006

CRE pass!!

哈, 以為會有fail
AO! 我來也....interview :x

9 則留言:

匿名 說...


匿名 說...


Kenny Ho 說...

多謝兩位~ :D
YI係邊位? 要我請食飯o既都要留個名等我知你係邊個先得架 =.=

匿名 說...

今年recruit o個輪一月尾先做aptitude test wor
add oil!

Kenny Ho 說...

係目標, 目標 :D
我今晚得收到信 AO recruitment exam
21/1, 何文田呀!

匿名 說...


匿名 說...

Although I've no idea of what test you're talking about, sure it sounds like a good news and you set a good goal for yourself. Go for it! I dunno about myself, probably end up to be a cop here. By the way, took a look at you pic albumn. Especially the midnight snapshot from house (that's your new house right?)

Kenny Ho 說...

hi Ray,

I didn't know you got a blog also!
Well, not really a good goal, but aleast i have to keep moving on otherwise I will be a fat lazy guy later then. :P

Did you consider to come back to work?
anyway, cop isn't good for you as I think it's too danger to be a cop there
Maybe you can consider to hold the "Wind Cloud" lesson there. :D

Yes, that is the new house I am living, just one street distance from the old one. You'll be my guest when you visit HK again someday.

Kenny Ho 說...
